Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact ===>
what if I downloaded the big file, just the big file from v1.2.0, and the another program or apps is already updated like genshin.exe, the launcher, atc for v1.3.2. is it work?, coz there is some corrupted file in your genshin file. I already used winrar dan 7zip who run from admin and its still failed to unzip, for the detail is always failed on 9.53 GB. or maybe U can reuploud the new one from your PC.
I tried extracting the genshin impact.exe and i can play it but it took a while for it to load the file integrity and even the map isnt fully shown and then it suddenly just exits the gameby itself out of nowhere.
nvm it finally worked i used troubleshoot scanner and it fixed the problem and said it was incompattible for the current setting and when it changed i can finally download the 11GB file for genshin.well thats all i guess it worked thanks for the info and help 781b155fdc